Syllabus and Course Outline


Available in a Canadian version and a United States version

15 - 20 Hours
International air travel has expanded exponentially in the past decade and promises to continue to grow. This course will provide you with the skills required to meet the needs of your international air travelers. These skills include an understanding of the two basic international faring system, mileage and routing as well as currency procedures, including the use of the fictitious currency, Neutral Units of Construction. You will learn to interpret all the data found in the faring and pricing information in the CRSs and as printed on international tickets. This includes international fare basis codes, base fares, taxes, surcharges, currency codes and mileage principle coding as applicable.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Explain the two basic faring systems used for international fares, mileage and routing
  • Define international faring terms
  • Decode international fare basis codes
  • Utilize currency codes and procedures including NUCs, and the BSR
  • Determine the appropriate currency conversions for the itinerary and place of issue
  • Identify routing fares and mileage fares as shown on any typical fare display
  • Interpret international fare and rule displays and quote fares and explain rules to clients
  • Interpret fare calculation lines with routing-based fares and with mileage fares
  • Interpret all data found on international tickets
Successful completion of all reviews and the exam.
Each lesson includes an online review.

Lesson   1 -  International Fares Overview (9 pages)
Lesson   2 -  Routing-Based Fares (8 pages)
Lesson   3 -  Mileage Fares (15 pages)
Lesson   4 -  International Ticketing (4 pages)
Lesson   5 -  Review (5 pages)

The maximum time to complete this course will be sent to you by your instructor. There are 4 reviews and one exam, Each review is extensive. While the emphasis of this course is the interpretation of information and procedures, you will have the opportunity to practice such things as currency conversion. A review completed every one to two weeks is a good strategy to complete the course in a timely manner, and to solidify your new skills.